What Has Roots That Nobody Sees Riddle

What Has Roots That Nobody Sees Riddle

What has roots that nobody sees riddle is a little tricky riddle. Here is the correct answer with explanation to this “Root that nobody sees” riddle. Try to solve the riddle and check the answer below and do share it with your friends. Riddle: What has roots that nobody sees, is taller than trees, Up, up it goes, yet it never grows? What Has

I Cannot Be Other Than What I Am

I Cannot Be Other Than What I Am

I cannot be other than what I am is a tricky riddle. Here is the correct answer with explanation to this “I cannot be other than” riddle. Try to answer it and if you liked it do share it with you friends. Riddle: I cannot be other than what I am, Until the man who made me dies, Power and glory will fall to me finally, only when he last closes his eyes. I Cannot Be