Penny Has 5 Children Riddle Answer

Penny Has 5 Children Riddle is a very interesting and little confusing Riddle. Here is the answer to the riddle with proper explanation.

Penny Has 5 Children Riddle

Riddle: Penny has 5 children. The 1st is named January, 2nd kid is February. Her 3rd is called March, 4th is April. What is the name of the 5th.

Penny Has 5 Children Riddle Answer

The answer to “Penny Has 5 Children Riddle” is “What.” The word “what” is the answer and the name of the penny’s 5th child.

What” is the name of the penny’s fifth child. I know it’s bit confusing let me explain you the answer. the answer is given in the question itself just Read it carefully.

Penny has 5 Children and their names are :

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. What

If you look carefully there is no question mark in the Riddle so it’s a statement and the answer is “what”.