I Am First in Earth Second In Heaven Riddle

I am first in earth second in heaven riddle is a tricky riddle. Here is the answer to riddle me this i am first in earth. Try to answer this tricky riddle and if you liked it do share it with your friends.

I Am First in Earth Second In Heaven Riddle Question

Riddle: I am first in Earth, second in Heaven, I appear two times in a week. You can only see me once in a year, although I’m in the middle of sea. Who am I?

I Am First in Earth Second In Heaven Riddle Answer

The answer to I am first in earth second in heaven riddle is “Letter E.” If you look the riddle carefully the riddle is talking about the letter “E” which comes at the beginning of word Earth and 2nd letter in Heaven and twice in the word week.

In the word year the letter “e” can be seen once and in sea it comes at the middle of the spelling.