Red and Blue Pills Riddle is a very tricky riddle and here is the correct answer. It’s a logic riddle and need little logical thinking to solve it. In this riddle there is a blind man on a desert alone and they have to take a red pill to survive.
Riddle: A blind man is alone on a deserted island. He has two blue pills and two red pills. He must take exactly one red pill and one blue pill or he will die. How does he do it?
Answer: The answer to “A Blind Man Is Alone on a Deserted Island Riddle” is “Dissolve all 4 pills in water and drink the half water.”
The concept behind this riddle is simple and let he explain you how this above answer is possible. There are 2 way how he can do that:
Fist Possible Answer:
He will Dissolve all 4 pills in water and drink the half water.
Second Possible Answer:
First he will take 2 pills randomly and break them in half and take half part of each and through the rest of them and do the same with the other 2 pills
First Scenario: If he took the 2 red pills in beginning so he will take the half-half from each and which make in total of 1 red pill and then repeat the same.
Second Scenario: suppose he took the 1 red and 1 blue in beginning so he will make it half and take the half pills and through the rest. So, he consumed the half red and half blue and then he will do the same with the other set of 1 red and 1 blue.