How Can You Drop a Raw Egg Onto a Concrete Floor Riddle is a tricky riddle. Here is the answer with proper explanation tot his Stupid Riddle. Read the riddle carefully because the answer to this riddle is in it’s question itself.
Riddle: How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?
Answer: The answer to “How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor Riddle” is “Concrete are very hard to crack.”
The riddle is talking about the concrete floor not the egg and the floor cannot be cracked with an egg.
How Can You Drop a Raw Egg Onto a Concrete Floor Riddle Explanation
The answer to this riddle is simple which is Concrete are very hard to crack. If you read the riddle slowly you will find out that the question does’t say that the egg is drooped on the floor. It says how can you protect the concert floor and you don’t need to because they are much stronger then egg.