One Sunny Morning a Man Parked His Car in Front of His Door

One sunny morning a man parked his car riddle is a very popular riddle on the internet. Here is the answer to this tricky riddle called “One sunny morning a man parked his car” riddle. Check the question and the answer to this riddle below.

Riddle: One sunny morning a man parked his car in front of his door. He sees three doors- a diamond door, silver door and a gold door. So which door he should open first?

One Sunny Morning a Man Parked His Car Riddle Answer

Answer: The answer to “One sunny morning a man parked his car” is “He will open his car door first”.

Its a very tricky question and can tricky you very easily. If you read the riddle question carefully you will see that he has parked his par so the first door which he will open is his own cars door.