There Is Smoke Inside an Empty Glass Bottle Riddle

There is smoke inside an empty glass bottle riddle is a tricky and good riddle. Here is the correct answer and the explanation to this riddle. You can apply little science knowledge to easily solve this riddle.

Riddle: There is smoke inside an empty glass bottle. How do you let the smoke out of the bottle without pouring water or any other liquid into it?

There Is Smoke Inside an Empty Glass Bottle Riddle Answer

Answer: The answer to “There is smoke inside an empty glass bottle riddle” is “By putting the bottle in freezer”. You can place it in cold place which can make the hotter air gets out easily.

According to science the hot air move toward the top so the smoke can easily go out to the bottle. The hot air is less dense than cold air that’s why it moves upwards and cold air settles down.