The Green Glass Door riddle is a popular brain teaser that has been around for many years.
It goes something like this:
You are standing in front of a green glass door. You need to get through the door, but you can only pass if you can answer this riddle:
What can go through the green glass door that is green, but not a car or a truck?
Riddle Answer Explanation
The answer to this riddle is “light.” Light can go through the green glass door because it is green and it is not a car or a truck.
The reason this riddle is so popular is because it requires a bit of creative thinking to solve. Most people tend to think of objects that are green and can go through doors, such as people or animals. However, the key to solving this riddle is to think outside the box and consider other options that may not be as obvious.
So, if you ever find yourself standing in front of a green glass door, remember the answer to this riddle and you’ll be able to pass through with ease.
Similar riddle:
Riddle: There is a green glass door in the middle of Minnesota. Only certain things can go through the door. Here is a list of things that can and cannot go through the door:
Can: A riddle
Can’t: An answer
Can: Root beer
Can’t: Soda
Can: Grass
Can’t: Field
Can: Tree
Can’t: Bark
Can: Pool
Can’t: Water
Can: Roof
Can’t: Ceiling
What do all of the things that can go through the door have in common?
Answer: The correct answer to this riddle is that all the words have letter “O” twice in them.
If you look closely to the riddle above you will see all the things which can go through the door has Double words in them common.
For example see the words Root, Roof or Pool they all have double “o” in them.