The riddle about the three sons and their father’s inheritance is a classic example of the saying “it’s not about the quantity, it’s about the quality.”
A Father Told His Three Sons Riddle
Riddle: A man was near death in the hospital, so he called his three sons. He gave them equal money, and asked them to fill up their living room entirely with something. Whichever son was successful would receive their father’s entire inheritance.
The first son bought sticks, and tried to fill the room entirely before he ran out. The second son bought straw, but once again, he ran out before entirely filling the entire room. The third son bought only two things, and was able to successfully fill the entire room and received the inheritance.
What did the third son buy, and how did he fill the room?
A Father & Three Sons Riddle Answer
The third son, had a different approach. Instead of trying to fill the room with physical objects, he decided to use the power of light. By buying a candle and matches, he was able to fill the room with light and successfully complete the task. This shows that sometimes the most effective solution is not the one that involves the most physical objects, but rather the one that uses a different approach or resource.
This riddle also teaches us the value of thinking outside the box. The first two sons were so focused on filling the room with physical objects that they didn’t consider the possibility of using something else, like light. The third son, however, saw the opportunity and took advantage of it, ultimately winning the inheritance.
In conclusion, the riddle about the three sons and their father’s inheritance teaches us that sometimes the most effective solution is not the one that involves the most physical objects, but rather the one that uses a different approach or resource. It also reminds us of the importance of thinking outside the box and being open to new ideas.