A Man Was Born in 2003 Riddle

A man was born in 2003 but today is his 21st birthday how this is possible. Here is the answer to this tricky riddle called “A Man Was Born in 2003” riddle. Check the question and the answer to this riddle below.

Riddle: A man was born in 2003 but today is his 21st birthday. How is that possible?

A Man Was Born in 2003 Riddle Answer

Answer: The answer to “A man was born in 2003 riddle” is “2003 is the room number”. The simple explanation to this riddle is that the man was born in the room number 2003 and there is no mention of 2003 as a year.

The riddle doesn’t state that the man was born in the year 2003 so it must be a room number or place where he was born. So, it can be possible that he is celebrating his 21st birthday.