Only One Color but Not One Size Riddle

Only one color but not one size riddle is a very interesting and simple riddle. Here is the answer and the explanation to this “only one color but not one size” riddle. The riddle question and explanation is given below so try to answer it first. Can you guess the thing which has same color but has different sizes?

Only One Color but Not One Size Riddle Question

Riddle: Only one color, but not one size, Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies. Present in sun, but not in rain, Doing no harm, and feeling no pain. What is it?

Only One Color but Not One Size Riddle Answer

The answer to “only one color but not one size riddle” is “A shadow”. The answer is “a shadow”, as we know it always remain in same color and can have different sizes, they only appear in day time when sun shines, they do not harm and cannot feel pain.