I Am Full Of Holes But Still Holds Water Riddle
Riddle: I am full of holes but still holds water. What am I? Answer: Sponge
Riddle: I am full of holes but still holds water. What am I? Answer: Sponge
Looking for the answer to the riddle called “Forwards I am heavy” riddle. check the answer and the correct explanation to this riddle below. The answer to the riddle called “Forwards I am heavy” riddle is Ton. If you look at the word Ton from the front it means a
Are you looking for the answer to the riddle called sinking ship. In this article I have provided the correct answer and the explanation. Riddle: On a fine sunny day a ship was in the harbour. All of a sudden the ship began to sink. There was no storm and
Its a very interesting riddle and If you are looking for the answer to this riddle What has hands but can’t clap. Here is the correct answer
The riddle “What do beggars have that wise men crave?” has an answer that is provided below, along with an explanation. The answer to the riddle “beggars have what wise men crave” is “nothing.” As the riddle says, even the beggars do not have anything and the wise men still
The phrase “Poor people have it, rich people need it” is a popular riddle or brain teaser that has stumped and entertained people for years. This riddle relies on word play and a bit of creativity to solve, so check out the riddle below and try to solve it. Riddle
Looking for the answer to the riddle called What gets broken without being held riddle. Here is the answer below. If you’re looking for a fun and challenging way to test your brain power, you’ve come to the right place! Riddle: What gets broken without being held? Answer: A promise gets
Looking for the answer to the riddle called I can fly but have no wings riddle. If you’re looking for a fun and challenging way to test your brain power, you’ve come to the right place! Riddle: I can fly but have no wings. I can cry but I have
If you’re looking for a fun and challenging way to test your brain power, you’ve come to the right place! Looking for the answer to the riddle called There is a woman in a boat riddle. Riddle: There is a woman in a boat, on a lake, wearing a coat. If
Here is the answer to this tricky riddle called I am with you riddle. Try to guess the answer and find the answer below. Riddle: I am with you as long as you share me with somebody. Come on you know already? Answer: The correct answer is Secret. Answer Explanation