What Is the Longest Word in the Dictionary Riddle?

What Is the Longest Word in the Dictionary Riddle

Have you ever come across a question, “What is the longest word in the dictionary?” It’s a little difficult question and it’s one of my favourite riddle questions. The Riddle The riddle goes: What is the longest word in the dictionary? At first you might think of long scientific Words

What Has 4 Letters Occasionally 12 Letters Riddle

what has 4 letters, occasionally 12 letters, but never 5 letters riddle answer

What has 4 letters occasionally 12 letters riddle is very popular word riddle. Here is the answer with proper explanation. This riddle question looks very difficult to answer, but believe me, it’s not, and you will be surprised to know the answer. Riddle: What has 4 letters, occasionally 12 letters,