The More I Eat the Hungrier I Get Riddle is a very trending riddle. Here is the correct answer. The riddle question and the explanation are given below.
It’s a very tricky riddle to answer and this riddle has many different ways to ask you the same thing. So, don’t get confuse with the riddle questions all the riddles are same just the approach is different.
Riddle: I am always hungry, I must always be fed, the finger I touch, Will soon turn red.
Answer: The answer to “The More I Eat the Hungrier I Get Riddle” is “FIRE.”
The answer is simple which is Fire. There is one more same riddle which is related to this riddle with different question but the same answer. The riddle is know as “The more I get the hungrier I get riddle.”
Riddle: The more I get the hungrier I get and if I eat it all I die. What am I?
Answer: The correct answer is “FIRE.”