Today I have a very interesting and a logic puzzle for you which is called “There Are 9 Dogs Within a Square Fence Answers” and it’s a very interesting question because it challenges your brain and help in increasing your critical thinking process.
Question: There are 9 dogs within a square fence. Construct 2 squares to put them in isolation. Can you do that?
In this puzzle you can see 9 dogs which are in a square area surrounded by a fence. Your task or you can say your challenge is that you need to separate all 9 dogs only by constructing 2 square shape fences in that area so that all 9 dogs can be separated.
It seems easy to draw but the requirements of the puzzle should also be followed as well. if you are not able to do that the answer to this puzzle is given below in the form of image so that you can easily understand.
9 Dogs Within a Square Fence Answers Image:
The answer is given in the above image and you can clearly see that we have to first make a diamond shape fence at the out area and then inside that we can place a small square which will separate the all 9 dogs and the puzzle is solved.