Can You Find the Different One Puzzle Answer

Today I have a very different kind of puzzle of you which is called “Can you find the different one puzzle” and it’s a quit interesting Puzzle to solve.

It’s a logic puzzle and you can challenge your all friend on whatsapp to solve it and if they fail to do so then they have to accept the challenge which is been given at the end of this article.

Puzzle: Can you find the different one?

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Hard to find🧐Answer

I lost to My friend
If you get it wrong you will have to put the above as your Status for a day and let others try and don’t tell the answers😄.

Answer: The answer to this puzzle is “YES or NO.”

The answer to this puzzle is to be given in the form of YES or NO as the Puzzle ask, can you? So, we will reply yes. The puzzle is very tricky and can confuse you. Know you know the answer so share it with you friends and challenge them.

Down below I have given a step how you can play this puzzle with you friends on WhatsApp and how to challenge then to do a dare.

Steps to play this puzzle and challenge your friends:

  1. First copy the puzzle from above and send to your friends or you can put that on your status.
  2. Now your friend will give the answer and if he or she fails to give the answer correctly.
  3. Then challenge then to put the same puzzle on their status with # hashtag foe 24 hours that I lost the challenge to you with your name on it.