What is at the end of a rainbow riddle, It’s a very interesting and trending on the internet. Here is the answer and the explanation to this rainbow riddle. It’s a kind of funny riddle and easy to answer but tricky one.
Question: What is at the end of a rainbow?
Answer: The answer to “What is at the end of a rainbow riddle” is the letter “W”.
The answer is letter ‘W’, if you read the riddle it ask about the end of the word ‘Rainbow’ and it doesn’t ask about the last colour in the rainbow.
End of a Rainbow Riddle Explanation
The answer is simple and that is the letter “W”. It’s a fun riddle and it’s not asking about the colour which is at the end of the rainbow.
It’s actually asking about the end letter to the word “Rainbow”.
Also according to an Irish legend, a pot of gold can be found at a rainbow’s end.