A Snake Went Grocery Shopping Riddle

A Snake Went Grocery Shopping Riddle

Looking for the answer to the riddle called “A snake went grocery shopping riddle”.  Here is the correct explanation and the answer to this riddle given below. The riddle reads: If a snake went grocery shopping. His total came to $ 57.23. He gave the cashier $ 100 but it still

What Has 4 Letters Occasionally 12 Letters Riddle

what has 4 letters, occasionally 12 letters, but never 5 letters riddle answer

What has 4 letters occasionally 12 letters riddle is very popular word riddle. Here is the answer with proper explanation. This riddle question looks very difficult to answer, but believe me, it’s not, and you will be surprised to know the answer. Riddle: What has 4 letters, occasionally 12 letters,

If Teresa’s Daughter Is My Daughter’s Mother Riddle Answer

If Teresa’s daughter riddle answer

Are you trying to solve the popular riddle “If Teresa’s daughter is my daughter’s mother”? Look no further, because we have the correct answer and explanation for you. Question: If Teresa’s daughter is my daughter’s mother, then tell, what am I to Teresa? Options: A) Grandmother B) Mother C) Daughter