Hen Egg Banana Puzzle Answer

We have a great puzzle for you which is called Hen egg banana puzzle. It’s  a calculation-based puzzle which you will definitely enjoy solving. In this puzzle you have to calculate the equation and give the correct answer.

In this hen puzzle some values are been given to the hen, eggs and banana. In this Hens Puzzle 3 equations are given:

  1.  3 hens are equal to 60.
  2. 1 hen and 6 egg are equal to 26.
  3. 3 egg and 2 bananas are equal to 15.

So, calculate what will be the value of 1 hen, 1 banana and 3 egg?

Question: Hen Egg Banana Puzzle – Can You solve the last equation?

Hen egg Banana Puzzle answer
Answer: The answer to the Hen egg banana puzzle is 35.


In the first equation the hen will be equal to 20(20 + 20 + 20 = 60).

In the second equation the eggs will be 3, so it will be 20 + 3 + 3 = 26.

In the third equation one set includes 6 bananas so it will be 3 + 6 + 6 = 15.

Now calculate the equation 20 + (3 x 5) = 35.