Select 3 balls to make 30 puzzles is a very interesting maths puzzle. The answer to 3 balls equal 30 is 11, 13 and 6. This Puzzle of snooker ball is very popular in the social media and people are looking for the answer to this puzzle so I decide to give the correct explanation for this 3 ball Puzzle.
The puzzle is very simple as you can see in the image above you need to find the which three balls can be used to get the total 30. As I have given you the answer in the beginning but you must be confusing to you and you might be thinking how the number 6 came in this answer.
So, let me explain the answer in detail and how the answer 11 + 13 + 6 = 30 is possible.
Question: Select 3 Balls and put it into Circles to make it 30.
Answer: the answer to “Select 3 balls to make 30 puzzles” is “11 + 13 + 6”.
Here you have to select 3 balls and place them inside the circle so that the 3 balls can be equal to 30 answer. But the problem is that you cannot make 30 answer by adding any of the numbers given in the puzzle image above.
If you try making the different combinations of numbers you will not able to make it so for getting the correct answer you need to turn the snooker balls number “9” upset down to make “6” and now you can get the answer 30 by adding 11, 13 and 6.
Therefore, the answer to this “select 3 balls to make 30 puzzles” is “11 + 13 + 6”.