I go into the garden there are 34 riddle is very popular tricky riddle on the internet and social media. Here is the correct answer with the proper explanation to this “I Go Into the Garden Riddle”. Given below is the riddle question with the answer so do check it out.
Riddle: If you get this, you are a critical thinker. I enter the garden. There are 34 people in the backyard. You kill 30. How many people are in the garden?
I Go into the Garden There Are 34 Riddle Answer
The answer to “I go into the garden there are 34 riddle” is “34 People.” The riddle is asking about the total number of people in garden.
Riddle Explanation
The explanation to this riddle is simple and the riddle is similar to 10 Fish in Tank Riddle. The riddle is simply asking about the total persons which are in the garden and even if the 30 are killed they still remains in the garden so will count them all and the answer becomes 34 peoples.