Hard Riddles with Answers for Kids list 321 – 340 :
321. Riddle: A hole in a pole. Though I fill a hole in white, I’m used more by the day and less by the night. What am I?
Answer: Eye
322. Riddle: What starts out in a field and then crashed on a stone. It becomes much more when to the fire it’s thrown?
Answer: Bread
323. Riddle: What hatches without food?
Answer: Hunger
324. Riddle: Who works when he plays and plays when he works?
Answer: Musician
325. Riddle: Walk on the living, they don’t even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble.
Answer: Leaves
326. Riddle: I have six faces but not even one body connected, 21 eyes in total but cannot see. What am I?
Answer: Dice
327. Riddle: I have a face but no eyes, hands but no arms. What am I?
Answer: Clock
328. Riddle: Hot tempered and sometimes it blows its top, making a mess of everything.
Answer: Volcano
329. Riddle: I drive men mad for the love of me. Easily beaten, never free. What am I?
Answer: Gold
330. Riddle: Through its wounds, water does run. It once held many but now has none. What is it?
Answer: Shipwreck
331. Riddle: I walked and walked and at last I got it. I didn’t want it. So, I stopped and looked for it. When I found it, I threw it away?
Answer: Thorn
332. Riddle: What is the middle of water but is not an island?
Answer: T
333. Riddle: I am a good state, there can be no doubt of it; But those who are in, entirely are out of it.
Answer: Sane
334. Riddle: It can be repeated but rarely in the same way. It can’t be changed but can be rewritten. It can be passed down, but should not be forgotten.
Answer: History
335. Riddle: What comes in many varieties and can’t be seen or touched, but it often makes you move?
Answer: Music
336. Riddle: The man who invented it doesn’t want it. The man who bought it doesn’t need it. The man who needs it doesn’t know it. What is it?
Answer: Coffin
337. Riddle: What occurs four times in every week, twice in every month, only once in a year but never in a day?
Answer: E
338. Riddle: I am not alive and yet I grow. Just put me next to where it grows. A favorite of the summertime, best with friends when combined. What am I?
Answer: Marshmallow
339. Riddle: I can fill a house or fill your mouth but you can never catch me in your hands. What am I?
Answer: Smoke
340. Riddle: I am alive without breath and cold as death. I am never thirsty but always drinking. What am I?
Answer: Fish