Riddles with Answers for Kids and Adults List from 41 – 60:
41. Riddle: Tear one off and scratch my head, what once was red is black instead!
Answer: Match
42. Riddle: What has one eye but cannot see?
Answer: Needle
43. Riddle: I have a pet; his body is full of coins.
Answer: Piggy Bank
44. Riddle: A father’s child, a mother’s child, yet no one’s son.
Answer: Daughter
45. Riddle: Even if you throw it away, it still comes back.
Answer: Yo-yo
46. Riddle: I am the first you ever saw, what greets you every morning and what goes out in the end.
Answer: Light
47. Riddle: What starts with the letter T, is filled with T and ends in T?
Answer: Teapot
48. Riddle: What has 4 eyes but can’t see.
Answer: Mississippi
49. Riddle: What is all over a house?
Answer: Roof
50. Riddle: What has 4 fingers and a thumb, but is not living?
Answer: Glove
51. Riddle: Everyone has me but nobody can lose me. What am I?
Answer: Shadow
52. Riddle: I have four legs, a back, but no head. What am I?
Answer: Chair
53. Riddle: Although I’m far from the point, I’m not a mistake. I fix yours. What am I?
Answer: Eraser
54. Riddle: I love to dance and twist and prance, I shake my tail, as a way I sail, wingless I fly into the sky. What am I?
Answer: Kite
55. Riddle: A blue house has blue bricks; a yellow house has a yellow brick. What is a greenhouse made of?
Answer: Glass
56. Riddle: If you have me, you want to tell me. If you tell me, you don’t have me.
Answer: Secret
57. Riddle: Though I should be unique, you’ve made most of us the same. I would be stronger, if my characters were stranger.
Answer: Password
58. Riddle: What can’t you see, hear or feel, until it’s too late. What shadows love, and shopkeepers hate?
Answer: Thief
59. Riddle: I defend without weapons, stand without legs, wound without force, and I am harder to fight than to kill. What am I?
Answer: Wall
60. Riddle: In spring I look gay, covered in a green array, the warmer it gets the more clothing I wear, As the cold grows, I throw away my clothes.
Answer: Tree