Riddles with Answers for Kids and Adults List from 341 – 360:
341. Riddle: A mysterious, fantastic creature, it has one defining feature,
And for humans at their worst, In their eyes it’s just horse.
Answer: Unicorn
342. Riddle: A precious gift, yet it has no end, no beginning, and nothing in the middle.
Answer: Ring
343. Riddle: Possibly the word most commonly said before taking a sip.
Answer: Cheers
344. Riddle: I hop around and deliver eggs at Easter. What am I?
Answer: Bunny
345. Riddle: A popular afterlife location to send evil people. What am I?
Answer: Hell
346. Riddle: What is it that was given to you, belongs only to you. And yet your friends use it more than you do?
Answer: Name
347. Riddle: Kids love this bouncy, sugary, treat. It’s like colourful rubber that you can eat.
Answer: Jello
348. Riddle: Women don’t have and don’t want it. Men get it but sometimes they try to get rid of it. What is it?
Answer: Beard
349. Riddle: My first two letters say my name. My last letter asks a question. What I embrace I destroy. What I am?
Answer: Ivy
350. Riddle: I am an activity dogs are very good at when a ball is thrown. What am I?
Answer: Fetch
351. Riddle: Not my sister nor my brother but still the child of my mother and father. Who am I?
Answer: Myself
352. Riddle: I am a type of weapon for SCI-FI characters. What am I? This is the known hairdo for NASCAR fans.
Answer: Laser
353. Riddle: This is the known hairdo for NASCAR fans.
Answer: Mullet
354. Riddle: When you are inside me, you will be encouraged to slam other cars. What am I?
Answer: Bumper Car
355. Riddle: I help you carry your books. What am I?
Answer: Backpack
356. Riddle: You could do this to a motion, see it on a watch, or place this in a race.
Answer: Second
357. Riddle: If you happen to possess two left feet, this profession will probably rule out of your prospects.
Answer: Dancer
358. Riddle: Blind but cruel.
Answer: Justice
359. Riddle: A DJ does this to records. I do it to mosquito bites.
Answer: Scratch
360. Riddle: You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?
Answer: Telephone