Riddles with Answers for Kids and Adults List from 141 – 160:
141. Riddle: I’m a ring of sliced onion dipped in batter and then deep fried.
Answer: Onion Rings
142. Riddle: I eat, I live. I breathe, I live. I drink, I die. What am I?
Answer: Fire
143. Riddle: I am used when you jump off a bridge for fun. What am I?
Answer: Bungee
144. Riddle: I have a straight back and sharp teeth to cut objects. What am I?
Answer: Saw
145. Riddle: It’s always above the negatives, yet it’s lower than the first prime, no matter how you multiply it’s the same every time.
Answer: Zero
146. Riddle: The line a runner strives to reach.
Answer: Finish
147. Riddle: I flow from the mouth of Homer when he sees doughnuts. What am I?
Answer: Drool
148. Riddle: I’ve been argued on my colour. Without me you’ll die. So many attempts on your life use me, so make sure you have many of my “White” friends. What am I?
Answer: Red Blood Cell
149. Riddle: I get wet when drying. I get dirty when wiping. What am I?
Answer: Towel
150. Riddle: I am needed for most animals and hardcover books. What am I?
Answer: Spine
151. Riddle: What insect does a blacksmith manufacture?
Answer: Firefly
152. Riddle: A house where you are brought, if they find you or get caught. If you cross the government, this is where you will be sent.
Answer: Jail
153. Riddle: I am longer than a decade and shorter than a millennium. What am I?
Answer: Century
154. Riddle: The homes of tiny creatures that collect in corners if you aren’t vigilant about dusting.
Answer: Web
155. Riddle: If you held me for too long, you would die. What am I?
Answer: Breath
156. Riddle: I’m a god. I’m a planet. I measure heat.
Answer: Mercury
157. Riddle: Goliath, The Jolly Green and Andre are all examples of this.
Answer: Giant
158. Riddle: Something we eat, and misspell as meet.
Answer: Meat
159. Riddle: I’m a small ring-shaped fried cake, often with Bavarian cream or fruit filling, and sometimes covered in icing and sprinkles.
Answer: Donuts
160. Riddle: A blackbird similar to, but much bigger than a crow.
Answer: Raven